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Resources to empower
Collaboration between the community, faith-based organizations and school systems encourage the overall support of students of all ages. Partnerships can help connect families with needed supports and services.
This toolkit provides specific guidelines and strategies to empower faith-based and community leaders to help young African-American children and families thrive.
This resource details the importance of youth engagement and the positive effects associated with empowering youth to participate in the community.
This article provides a model of the different levels of community involvement and identifies research-based benefits of community engagement.
This article describes one Detroit school district's partnership with faith-based groups to support students.
This article shares several steps to improve collaboration between schools and their community. As the old African proverb says, It takes a village to raise a child. One could imagine then that it would take a community to raise a school.
This article by Pricilla Little explores the role of community partnerships in expanding learning opportunities for students.
Habit for Humanity article details the positive effects of community service on college students.
This article reviews the importance of developing a link between schools and the community.
This article describes 10 recommendations to help community members volunteer wisely.
This essay by Freeman Hrabowski explores the role and responsibility, a community plays in student success.
Developed by National PTA with the help of parents and principals, these tips are part of an overall strategy for building relationships with principals to improve student achievement.
This study examined the effects of involvement in campus-based religious organizations on first year students’ adjustment and development.
Volunteer Match helps match those who need volunteers with those wanting to volunteer. provides a series of resources and information surrounding various youth topics. Website users can engage with other youth, implement evidence-based programming, and locate program funding in their community.
Faith-based groups can do a variety of things to meet the needs of young people, but after-school providers should approach them the right way and must understand federal guidelines.
Low-income families often face many barriers to providing high-quality early childhood education to their children. There are a number of research-based strategies to bolster parent engagement in ways that improve child outcomes.
The Carolina Abecedarian Project randomly assigned infants born between 1972 and 1977 to either the early educational intervention group or the control group. Children in the experimental group received full-time, high-quality educational intervention in a childcare setting from infancy through age 5.
This webpage details the importance of early childhood math skills, and provides benchmarks for early childhood educators regarding math education.
This article by Claudio Sanchez reviews the research on early childhood education. The findings show that kids who attend public preschool programs are better prepared for kindergarten than kids who don't.
Math instruction for early childhood learners can be playful and fun - not necessarily comprised of flashcards or worksheets. Teachers can highlight features of children's play that are mathematical, as well as creating math activities that are playful.
Explore peer-reviewed journals, articles, book chapters and open access content covering a range of disciplines in ScienceDirect.
This white paper discusses the value of empathy in the workplace, as well strategies to increase employees' empathy.
This article discusses the value of lifelong learning for personal health, finances, and social life.
The American Psychological Association (APA) emphasizes the importance of adults tuning into emotional or behavioral cues to interact effectively with children and teens who are experiencing stress.